

Hi, I'm Joanna and I'm the Mom...
… of all these talented young ladies you find here on this blog. I have always been interested in artsy things, from painting (oils, watercolor, rooms, or furniture) to crafting to altering things. I love shopping, antiquing, and root beer blended floats (yummmm!). And finally after all those years of not having anytime, I can now say I love to read!
 But what I've done more of than anything else, however is sewing. I have sewed and sewed and sewed! (Having six  little girls and being a vain mother, I had to sew for them!)
 Also, lest the two boys (men) feel affronted, I'll let you know these girls have two fabulous older brothers.
I have another blog that I started a few years ago. You'll find a lot of everyday happenings there and some tutorials and recipes. Go here to take a peek.
So hope you come back often to see what we have to share with you.
 Thanks for stopping by!